Monday, March 27, 2006


The Walrus

The walrus sat upon his tuft
And ate a little grass
He looked at a scaly, shiny fish,
And then he watched it pass.

"I miss my peas, I miss my corn,"
"I miss my tomato grove."
The walrus said and got in his car,
And out of the sea he drove.

His car was small,
His car was green,
His car had a radio,
It was a a small green driving machine.

He drove out of the sea
and onto the shore
He drove onto the sand
His garden, still there, he missed it no more.

The walrus took an ear of corn,
A tomato and a pea.
"No more lobster! No more clams!
A bunch of garden stuff just for me!"

Happily, the walrus ate.
He roasted corn and fruit.
And then along came Mister Sam
In his white Sam suit.

"Oh! How I wish for peas and corn!"
Sam said, Sam said, real sad.
"Oh, I how I starve, oh how I hunger!"
The walrus looked upon the Sam and looked at his Sam clad.

"I am so- glad for you to come!"
"And share with me my feast!"
The walrus smiled and gave him a cob.
"This is just the least!"

Sam and the walrus just ate on the shore.
And then- guess who came along!
Kingly Krab and some of his friends!
And Kingly sang his song.

"Ah, Mister Walrus. My friends and I are hoping to join in your feast."
"Oh, sir, that's fine! Grab an ear of corn, and come!"
The walrus said and bit into a zuccini.
"Today we had quite a bit of jolly, jolly, jolly fun!"

The crab and the Sam and the walrus, too
Sat and ate their fullest fill.
But after nightfall- something was wrong!
Sam and the King were just there still!

The walrus sighed and sadly said,
"It is time to go back home."
He bagged up some tomatoes and,
Saw that the sun brightly shone.

The walrus got back into his little green car and
Began to drive into the sea.
"This sure was fun, but I'm glad it's over!"
This tale is ended, and that's the last from me...

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